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Kovil AI's Event Engagements: Shaping the Future

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Here are some of the events Kovil.ai has participated in


AI in Design: Inspiring Minds at Nirma University

Kovil AI recently collaborated with the students and staff of Nirma University to explore the transformative potential of AI in Design. The event fostered innovative thinking, showcasing how AI can revolutionize design practices and inspire the next generation of tech-savvy designers.

  • 4 PM – 7 PM
  • Nirma University Campus, Ahmedabad
  • 03 – 05 - 2024
  • Sangita Shroff, Director – Institute of Design, Nirma University

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How Kovil AI can Help
Tech Companies?

Kovil AI empowers tech companies by providing access to top-tier AI and software development talent. Our rigorous vetting process ensures we match the right candidates to your specific needs, enabling you to scale quickly, reduce costs, and enhance productivity while focusing on your core business objectives.

  • AI and Software Developers
  • Save 40% on resourcing

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