Hire Top Class AI and Software Developers Offshore

AI Tool


Get AI Answers for Any Business in 30 Seconds


Macky provides high-level consulting and streamlines complex queries into valuable, actionable insights all by answering a simple question.

Backed by the seasoned expertise of Kinetic Consulting, macky bridges the gap between AI innovation and traditional consulting wisdom, providing you with a balanced, optimal solution for all your consulting requirements.

Catering to enterprises of all sizes, our range of packages ensures your business will not be left behind.


Hire Top 3% remote talent with KOVIL.ai

Access our extensive Al and Software Development talent pool, featuring
professionals with expertise in over 100 skill sets




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Access the top 1% of Indian Talent

Our collaborative approach guarantees that we fully grasp your company’s unique needs and concerns to find a perfect fit – in both skills and culture.

Discover handpicked,
vetted talents.

Access our AI and Software Development professionals with 100+ skills.
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